CA. {Member Name}
Useful Updates on Income Tax & GST:
1. [Source : TAXMANN]
i) Landmark Judgements of Supreme Court on Section 245 [Set off of refunds against tax remaining payable]
(Please click for detail)
ii) Landmark Judgements of Supreme Court on Section Section 245N to 245W [Advance Rulings]
(Please click for detail)
2. [Contributions by : CA. Bimal Jain]
i) No GST payable on accommodation service provided below INR 1000/-
(Please click for detail)
ii) GST not applicable on payment of notice pay and allowed ITC on canteen services
(Please click for detail)
We have collated all the job vacancies received this week, posted by our members in our WhatsApp groups and 'Voice of CA – Job Vacancies Faceboook Group', for quick reference at –
The aforesaid Facebook Group can be utilised by group members for posting / viewing Job Opportunities in relation to our Profession.
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