A big Hi ! and a Hearty welcome in our network Voice of Chartered Accountants (VOCA). In our attempt to build a platform for professionals to share their thoughts, news and views; we made this platform back in 2009. 
It has no subscription cost...!!

Through this platform we provide regular Latest Updates, Webinars, Job Vacancies, and information related to profession only (after collecting data from our various reliable sources, deep scrutiny and vision) through email, whatsapp groups and social media from our forum of "voiceofca.in" since 2009 without any rest. 

You can also contribute to it by sending us yours views, articles, ppts, blogs, etc. for sharing with the CA community at large. We shall share the same to all our subscribers with your name.

We have a subscriber base of more than 73,000 CA members who network through our platform.

⇒ If we have troubled you and you don’t want our updates further in future, please send us a blank mail with subject "UNSUBSCRIBE" at [email protected].

⇒ If you want to share your views, ideas, suggestions and have any query, please feel free to mail to us at "[email protected]".


 Job Vacancies

Vacancy Icon #136846 - Free Icons Library

Voice of CA introduced a Job Vacancy Group on Facebook 
Where more than 4650 vacancies are being posted by our group members since January 2022 and we have also been posting the vacancies received in our Whatsapp Groups. Find many more latest job opportunities for CAs, Accountants and Articles now at:

Our Facebook Group


Click on the button below for this week's collated job vacancies.

Job Vacancy Button. Job Vacancy Sign. Key. Push Button. Stock Vector -  Illustration of effect, shiny: 195875280


Connect with us on Social Media by clicking on the links below:

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